Thursday, 19 March 2009


The PARER CRANE was quite hard to model although id doesn't look hard at the first sight. I modeled it from one single plane the same way as if I was folding it.
This was my reference:

Texturing the CRANE:

UV mapping in this case was very hard as it is very organic. I managed to sort out the UVs this way:

After printing out the UV snapshot as PNG 1024 by 1024 dpi file (this means huge file but it is the only way to have drawing nicely seen in the 3D space) I am in a search of a texture that would resemble the fact that Sadako used any aper she found o do the paper cranes- either some nice wrapping paper or some printed texture with fonts and signs resembling medication box (se used any material she fond in a hospital).

On the end I decided to paint myself more traditional pattern, which would reflect the traditional gift packaging, but also be very subtle, so the whiteness of the crane wouldn't be too disturbed on a look:

Crane Renders:

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