Thursday, 19 March 2009


MODELING- general

Once we made a decision that the backgrounds will be done in 3D (I didn't want to loose the opportunity to learn more about maya and improve skills), I started to experiment with different modelling techniques in order to achieve the look of paper, with all its quality of fragile thinness, profusion, organic folds and lightness.


I have been trying different ways in how to model flat objects with holes in Maya and then one day after loads of experimenting, came up with an idea:

To CREATE a selection in Photoshop- make a path, add the path to a new layer and export it as an * ai file (illustrator), because this way the drawing becomes accessible as a curve when imported into Maya. Then we choose the outern curve, then inside ones and go to the surfaces- planar (option menu gives us chance to decide the poly count for example). I advise to use QUADS, not triangles as they deform surface.

Reference object:

3D Model:

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